Programming for Beyondcon 2018

Saturday, February 10th

Costume Project Show and Tell: 9:30- 10am Cascade Room

Start the weekend off by showing what you are working on, what’s on your dress form. Are you making something for masquerade, for the Gothic Fashion Show?  A movie opening up or some other special project.  Pull out your project(s), brag and inspire others!

Casting in Silicone, It's a Brave New World: Erik Prill  10:00am -10:50am Con Suite

See what it takes to sculpt, create a mould and cast using silicone rubber.  We'll also discuss the future of 3D printed mould-making.

How to Translate a Historical Pattern to One that Works for Me!:  10:00am-10:50am Cascade Room

 In this panel we  discuss different ways to take patterns you may find in your favorite book and translate and adjust them for a pattern that will fit you.  Theresa Halbert

Painting and Weathering: Melissa Quinn 11:00am –11:50am Con Suite

Add depth and interesting touches to your costumes, armor and props with paint detailing and using aging and weathering techniques.

Historic Pattern Review: Richard Stephens and Theresa Halbert 11:00am –11:50am Cascade Room

We compare various historic pattern lines and share our opinions on which ones are worth using and which lines to avoid. 

LUNCH BREAK 12:00 noon: 1:00 pm

Shibori Dye Technique - Deb Strub 1:00 pm - 2:50pm Con Suite

After a review of the historic tradition of Shibori dyeing, students will practice stitching techniques on silk handkerchiefs and then dye with kool aid.

Move that Dart! –Theresa Halbert 1:00pm - 1:50pm Cascade Room

A demonstration of tips and tricks for Dart Rotation in commercial patterns or slopers.  This includes adjusting dart size, moving a dart or adding/decreasing fullness.

Shortcut Patternmaking Techniques - Melissa Quinn and Theresa Halbert 2:00-2:50pm Cascade Room

Learn from our pair of pattern experts new tricks to drafting your own patterns

Explorations into Thermal Plastics, Resins, and Foam Smithing: Melissa Quinn  3:00pm-3:50pm Con Suite

(Safely) journey into the 21st century of costuming and learn about the new forms of plastic alchemy that opens up a whole new world for sci fi, fantasy and yes, historical costuming.

More is More: Richard Stephens  3:00pm-3:50pm  Cascade Room

Our Theme at Beyondcon this year, we look at why we should go big and how, what opportunities are there for the lay costumer to go big and where do we start.

How to Create Costume or Art Embellishments with a Burn Tool: Theresa Halbert  4:00 pm-4:50pm Con Suite

This handy technique allows you to create fabric elements that would unravel. Using a fabric burn tool and polyester fabric, you will create a small pair of wings that you can apply to either a costume or artwork.  Please note - Since the burn tools are extremely hot, no one under that age of 15 allowed without adult supervision. 

Project Planning for the Big Build: Richard Stephens 4:00 pm-4:50pm Cascade Room

Now that you have embraced the “More is More” ethos, how do you go about doing that?  How do you plan and manage a big project like a group masquerade presentation, designing a show for a local theater, creating an elaborate costume for Worldcon or Emerald City Comic Con?  Richard shares practical, no-nonsense ways to successfully plan, budget and manage big projects with many moving parts from years of experience by doing things the wrong way (Do as I say, not as I did).

Measurement session: Theresa Halbert and others 5:00pm-5:30pm Con Suite

Come up to the Con Suite and get a complete set of measurements for yourself to work on your next project.  Find out how to get the correct, accurate measurements you need and get them from a friendly costume partner. (Bring a measuring tape.)


Set up Cascade Room for Saturday Night Dance

Cascade Room Opens at 8:00 for “It’s a Big World After All Dance”: DJ Erik Pril

Games, Contests, Shenanigans

Sunday, February 11th

Paper tape dummy: Richard Stephens and Vicki Glover   9:00am- 10:20am Con Suite

 If time and space permit we will take two guild dummies, er, members and create paper tape dummy forms on them that they can take home and use.  This low cost technique is ideally suited for when you have a form fitting costume and don’t have a dress form that matches the shape of yourself or the person you are sewing for.

Trim Embellishment –Kate McClure and Theresa Halbert  10:00am - 10:50am Cascade Room

Come see what new  (and old) embellishment techniques Kate and Theresa are going to showcase and get inspired for your next project.

Putting Hustle into your Bustle and perfecting your Butterfly Technique: Richard Stephens 10:30am- 11:20am Con Suite

A brief survey of the two major bustle movements, bustle foundation garments and then demo of how to easily create a Butterfly bustle, suitable for period costuming or dressing up a modern evening gown or bridal dress.

Puff Pattern Work, There Will be Math.: Gene Bennet  11:00am-11:50am Cascade Room

Learn how to calculate the yardage needed to make a “puffy” costume as well as some basic construction techniques.  Puffy costume construction has great sci fi and fantasy applications: from Rainbow Brite to Canto Bight!

Glue This to That: Theresa Halbert  11:30am - 12:20 pm Con Suite

Ever tried to glue something just to have it fall apart? Gluing unlike items and don't know where to begin?  We will go over the best glue for a multitude of different applications.  Common mistakes and pitfalls and how to avoid them.  Yes, there is more to life than a glue gun!

Sewing Latex Clothing: Erik Prill  12:00 noon to 12:50 Cascade Room

If you've ever wanted to work with sheet latex as a medium but don't know where to start this panel is for you.  I'll demonstrate techniques to construct garments out of sheet latex, including cutting, gluing, and even sewing it on your machine!  It IS possible, and I'll show you how, plus I'll tell you the best places to buy the materials.  Finished garments will also be on display.

Clean up Con Suite 12:30

Programming ends by 1:00, load out, adjourn to Safari at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium